Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Brilliant Madness (2002)

A Brilliant Madness (2002)


“Rational thought imposes a limit on a person’s relationship to the cosmos”.
John Forbes Nash

As a boy growing up in West Virginia, John Forbes Nash displayed an extraordinary talent for mathematics. He was one of only ten students in America to win the Westinghouse Scholarship and on graduating from the Carnegie Institute of Technology his tutor declared, “This man is a genius”.

Nash went on to enter Princeton University’s elite maths department, where his fellow students described him as arrogant and eccentric but undeniably brilliant. He refused to attend classes, claiming he would learn nothing and worked instead on his ‘Game Theory’. When he presented his work in 1950, aged only 21, no one, not even Nash himself, was aware of the potential of what would become known as the ‘Nash Equilibrium’. After graduating from Princeton with a PhD in maths, Nash joined the faculty at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and became known as the ‘kid professor’. He was seen as brash and egocentric, but tolerated because of his incredible maths skills. In February 1957, Nash married Alicia Larde, who was one of only 16 female students among 800 men at MIT.

By the age of 30, Nash had been dubbed one of the ‘brightest stars in maths’ but beneath his brash, confident exterior he was suffering from self-doubt and anxiety. His wife’s pregnancy added to his stress and although he had always displayed eccentric behaviour he began to show signs of a nervous breakdown.

In early 1959, Nash claimed that he was being sent messages from outer space through the New York Times and when he was offered a prestigious post at the University of Chicago he turned it down, saying he was about to become the ‘Emperor of the Antarctic’. Nash was relieved of teaching and Alicia was so worried about her husband’s behaviour that she had him committed to the MacLean Hospital, a psychiatric facility for the rich and famous. Nash was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia; he suffered delusions and believed there was a national conspiracy against him.

After his release from hospital Nash and Alicia moved to Paris. He travelled around Europe for nine months trying to renounce his American citizenship and was eventually deported. On moving back to Princeton he was too ill to work and Alicia took a job to support the family.

In 1960, Alicia had her husband committed to Trenton State Hospital were he endured drug therapy. Nash’s colleagues were outraged at his treatment and concerned that it was destroying his brilliant mind. After his release, Nash returned to wandering around Europe, plagued by voices in his head.

In 1970, Nash returned home to Alicia and his well-being improved. A huge turning point came when he decided to ignore the voices and think rationally. With the support of his friends and family he was able to return to work and in 1994, aged 66, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his Game Theory.






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