Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Brilliant Madness (2002)

A Brilliant Madness (2002)


“Rational thought imposes a limit on a person’s relationship to the cosmos”.
John Forbes Nash

As a boy growing up in West Virginia, John Forbes Nash displayed an extraordinary talent for mathematics. He was one of only ten students in America to win the Westinghouse Scholarship and on graduating from the Carnegie Institute of Technology his tutor declared, “This man is a genius”.

Nash went on to enter Princeton University’s elite maths department, where his fellow students described him as arrogant and eccentric but undeniably brilliant. He refused to attend classes, claiming he would learn nothing and worked instead on his ‘Game Theory’. When he presented his work in 1950, aged only 21, no one, not even Nash himself, was aware of the potential of what would become known as the ‘Nash Equilibrium’. After graduating from Princeton with a PhD in maths, Nash joined the faculty at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and became known as the ‘kid professor’. He was seen as brash and egocentric, but tolerated because of his incredible maths skills. In February 1957, Nash married Alicia Larde, who was one of only 16 female students among 800 men at MIT.

By the age of 30, Nash had been dubbed one of the ‘brightest stars in maths’ but beneath his brash, confident exterior he was suffering from self-doubt and anxiety. His wife’s pregnancy added to his stress and although he had always displayed eccentric behaviour he began to show signs of a nervous breakdown.

In early 1959, Nash claimed that he was being sent messages from outer space through the New York Times and when he was offered a prestigious post at the University of Chicago he turned it down, saying he was about to become the ‘Emperor of the Antarctic’. Nash was relieved of teaching and Alicia was so worried about her husband’s behaviour that she had him committed to the MacLean Hospital, a psychiatric facility for the rich and famous. Nash was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia; he suffered delusions and believed there was a national conspiracy against him.

After his release from hospital Nash and Alicia moved to Paris. He travelled around Europe for nine months trying to renounce his American citizenship and was eventually deported. On moving back to Princeton he was too ill to work and Alicia took a job to support the family.

In 1960, Alicia had her husband committed to Trenton State Hospital were he endured drug therapy. Nash’s colleagues were outraged at his treatment and concerned that it was destroying his brilliant mind. After his release, Nash returned to wandering around Europe, plagued by voices in his head.

In 1970, Nash returned home to Alicia and his well-being improved. A huge turning point came when he decided to ignore the voices and think rationally. With the support of his friends and family he was able to return to work and in 1994, aged 66, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his Game Theory.






Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Boy With The Incredible Brain

The Boy With The Incredible Brain


“Numbers are my friends.”

This is your second chance to witness the breathtaking story of Daniel Tammet. A twenty-something with extraordinary mental abilities, Daniel is one of the world’s few savants. He can do calculations to 100 decimal places in his head, and learn a language in a week. This documentary follows Daniel as he travels to America to meet the scientists who are convinced he may hold the key to unlocking similar abilities in everyone. He also meets the world’s most famous savant, the man who inspired Dustin Hoffman’s character in the Oscar winning film ‘Rain Man’.

As a baby, Daniel cried constantly and banged his head against the wall. His parents were frantic but all doctors could suggest was that he was understimulated. One afternoon when he was four, an accident changed the way Daniel thought forever. While playing with his brother in the living room he suffered a series of epileptic seizures which transformed his brain chemistry, giving him the gift of synaesthesia. This condition occurs when the parts of the brain responsible for different areas of perception get mixed up. Brain scans of autistic savants suggest that the right hemisphere might be compensating for damage in the left hemisphere. While many savants struggle with language and comprehension - skills associated primarily with the left hemisphere - they often have amazing skills in mathematics and memory - primarily right hemisphere skills. Daniel began to respond emotionally to numbers, which he started to ‘see’ as complex, beautiful shapes and textures.

Other autistic savants have displayed a wide range of talents, from measuring exact distances by sight to from reciting volumes of encyclopaedias. The British savant Stephen Wiltshire was able to draw a highly accurate map of the London skyline from memory after a single helicopter trip over the city. Unlike other savants, Daniel can describe what is going on in his head. He is fortunate in that, while he possesses many of the capabilities associated with autism, he has no trouble relating to others; he is a charming and incredibly self-aware young man. He talks, awestruck, about seeing the number one as a bright shining light; five as a clap of thunder; and nine as very tall and intimidating: “It’s like having a fourth dimension,” he says.

Soflty-spoken, 26-year-old Daniel lives on the Kent coast but he steers clear of the beach because there are too many pebbles to count. He feels uncomfortable at the thought of a mathematical problem with no solution. Trips to the supermarket are a headache, too; he gets lost dwelling upon every shape, texture, price and arrangement of fruit and vegetables. He can stand transfixed for hours wandering at the pattern of leaves on a tree, and calculate vast sums without consciously trying - he can ‘see’ the answer in his head as a beautiful landscape. And it cannot be said that he struggles with language; he speaks French, German, Spanish, Lithuanian, Icelandic and Esperanto. As if this wasn’t incredible enough, he is in the process of creating his own language, whereby the vocabulary reflects the relationships between language and things.

Tammet has broken the European record for recalling Pi, the mathematical constant, to the furthest decimal point. He says he found it easy because he didn't even have to "think". To him, Pi is a visual story, like a film projected in front of his eyes. "I memorised Pi to 22,514 decimal places, and I am technically disabled. I just wanted to show people that disability needn't get in the way." In this film we see him flawlessly calculating Pi to over 20,000 places, over five hours, to an awestruck crowd of tutors and students from Oxford University.

Daniel’s rare ability to describe his thought processes makes him a goldmine for researchers into the brain. Dr Julian Asher, who also experiences synaesthesia, says Daniel’s visions are uncommonly specific and concrete. Daniel can also have fun with his ability, as we witness in his visit to the US. His first port of call is New York, where he bamboozles the famous chess hustlers of Times Square by memorising the position of every piece on a board.

He also meets Kim Peek, the inspiration for ‘Rain Man’. The shy and introspective Peek appears to have a photographic memory for everything; he can read two pages of a book in around eight seconds, reading one page per eye simultaneously, and remember almost all of it. The two men made a strong connection, bonding over their passion for books and history; Peek held Daniel’s hand tenderly and assured him that there is no reason to fear being different. “One day you’ll be as great as I am,” he jokes to Daniel.

Next, Daniel tests his skills in Las Vegas, as he plays his first-ever game of blackjack. There is too much light and noise for him to concentrate properly, but he wins a devastating hand when he changes his tactics and goes on instinct. Daniel’s final destination is San Diego’s Centre for Brain Studies, where “very sceptical” Shai Azoulai and Professor VS Ramachandran subject him to a battery of tests. If Daniel is cheating, or using traditional mathematical methods, these scientists will catch him out. Despite his jet-lag, Daniel successfully tackles some complex calculations, and then models his mind’s-eye view of various numbers in play-dough.

So far the scientists are impressed. But the sceptics are truly silenced when Shai writes down a version of Pi and asks Daniel to visualise it, while being connected to a skin temperature monitor. Shai has sneakily smuggled some ‘wrong’ numbers into the fractions. Intriguingly, Daniel’s skin reacts sharply whenever he encounters a ‘wrong’ number, proving that he responds emotionally to numbers. Shai is astounded: “This could spawn a whole new field of research,” he stutters. All of Daniel’s claims seem to add up, but he has one more hurdle to jump. The film-makers challenge him to learn Icelandic, one of the world’s hardest languages in just one week. He must then appear on national TV and be interviewed for five minutes in Icelandic.

Will Daniel do it? And what can we learn from this prodigious talent?






True Story- Escape from Alcatraz

True Story- Escape from Alcatraz


Historical documentary examining a remarkable escape attempt from Alcatraz prison. In June 1962, three inmates successfully broke out of the jail and took to the waters of San Francisco Bay in a makeshift raft, never to be seen again. The film uses interviews with former inmates, guards and FBI agents to piece together the story of the escape, while three modern-day coastguards board a replica of the raft to see if it could have carried the men to freedom.






Saturday, June 13, 2009

Teenage Japanese Killers

Teenage Japanese Killers


Cold blooded murder and violent crime are rapidly on the increase among the young people of Japan, in a country which once had one of the lowest crime rates in the world. High school bullies, bedroom-bound cyber geeks and a growing number of teenage gangs have produced a current wave of brutal, violent crime that is sweeping through communities across Japan.

Teenage Japanese Killers seeks to understand why this once peaceful society is producing a class of young, violent killers and why Japan itself is angst-ridden about this frightening problem. Through individual case studies, this documentary provides a fascinating insight into 21st century Japanese society. From the young killer who wants to be a lawyer, to families of the victims, this documentary attempts to make some sense of the bizarre, motiveless murders occurring at an ever-increasing rate throughout Japan.






The Alps- climb of your life

The Alps- climb of your life


Many IMAX features focus on spectacular shots that are designed to provide breathtaking three-dimensional views of the world. THE ALPS, which was originally shot for the IMAX format, includes numerous jaw-dropping moments, but also attaches a touching narrative to the feature, making it an emotional ride. The film follows a lone climber whose had father died while attempting to scale the same treacherous terrain--along the Eiger North Face.





Tuesday, June 9, 2009

BUS 174

BUS 174



José Padilha
Felipe Lacerda

Documentary depicts what happened in Rio de Janeiro on June 12th 2000, when bus 174 was taken by an armed young man, threatening to shoot all the passengers. Transmitted live on all Brazilian TV networks, this shocking and tragic-ending event became one of violence's most shocking portraits, and one of the scariest examples of police incompetence and abuse in recent years.



English Subtitles :



Soulfly live @ Pukkelpop

Soulfly is a thrash metal band formed in 1997 in Phoenix, Arizona. Led by founder, frontman, songwriter and only constant member Brazilian Max Cavalera , who formed the band after he left influental Brazilian death/thrash band Sepultura in 1996. The band has released six studio albums, one tour EP, several singles, and two DVD videos. Soulfly incorporates diverse heavy metal styles with Brazilian tribal and world music.

Track list:

  • 01 - Babylon
  • 02 - Prophecy
  • 03 - Seek'n'Strike
  • 04 - Roots bloody roots
  • 05 - Jumpdafuckup / Bring it
  • 06 - Fire
  • 07 - Mars
  • 08 - Refuse / Resist
  • 09 - Porrada
  • 10 - Drum Jam
  • 11 - Bleed / Tree of pain (with Richie Cavalera)
  • 12 - Attitude
  • 13 - Back to the primitive
  • 14 - Orgasmatron
  • 15 - Policia
  • 16 - Eye for an eye

Format: mpg
Size: 423 MB
1:02:45 hs




Monday, June 8, 2009

Hoffman's Potion - LSD !!! (2002)


Rating: 7.9/10
Runtime: 56
Language: English
Country: Canada
Color: Color

Director: Connie Littlefield

Description: Researchers try to establish the medical benefits of LSD. The documentary about LSD and how it was created, what usage it had, and how the early experiments were carried out by Albert Hofmann, Timothy Leary and others.[/font][size="3"][/size]




The BRIDGE (2006)


The Bridge is a 2006 documentary film by Eric Steel that tells the stories of a handful of individuals who committed suicide at the Golden Gate Bridge in 2004. The film was inspired by an article entitled “Jumpers,” which was written by Tad Friend and appeared in The New Yorker magazine in 2003. The documentary caused significant controversy when Eric Steel revealed that he had tricked the Golden Gate Bridge committee into allowing him to film the bridge for months and had captured 23 of 24 known suicides which took place during filming phase of the project. In his permit application to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area Steel said he intended “to capture the powerful, spectacular intersection of monument and nature that takes place every day at the Golden Gate Bridge”. The movie was shot with multiple cameras pointed at a notorious suicide spot on the bridge during 2004. It captured 19 people as they took their final plunge, and then offers interviews with grieving families.



Game Over Kasparov and the machine


Garry Kasparov is arguably the greatest chess player who has ever lived. In 1997 he played a chess match against IBM's computer Deep Blue. Kasparov lost the match. This film shows the match and the events surrounding it from Kasparov's perspective. It delves into the psychological aspects of the game, paranoia surrounding it and suspicions that have arisen around IBM's true tactics. It consists of interviews with Kasparov, his manager, chess experts, and members of the IBM Deep Blue team, as well as original footage of the match itself.



